Weaving Trust – Water Eaton Church Centre 17.10.15


Meeting Amazing People

Water Eaton was once a tiny hamlet on the edge of Bletchley, but a lot has changed since then. There were people at our Weaving Trust event who remembered the days when only a couple of buses passed through each week and the nearest hospital was in Aylesbury! They reminded us that much of the change has been a good thing – and that local people have shaped their community by working together. The church in Water Eaton would not have been built if local people hadn’t raised the money needed to buy the land…

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At this Weaving Trust event we looked back but also looked forward. New relationships were formed as people from different cultures, faiths and backgrounds shared their experiences of life in MK. Amazing people met each other – and made plans to do more together. Weaving Trust may seem like a small thing but it makes a big difference.

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