On Sunday 18th September, 20 guests from Citizens:mk were hosted by 10 members of MK & District Reform Synagogue in Giffard Park.
After a warm welcome from Henry Fried, Chair of the Synagogue (pictured below), and some delicious cakes and tea, the series of six-minute conversations began.
At the end of the event, several people commented positively about the event, which the evaluation group awarded a score of 10 out of 10.
“Just hearing of others’ experiences was an eye opener,” said Marion, who has been worshiping at the synagogue for 38 years.
“The door was opened, I was welcomed and I feel enlightened,” said Debbie Wilson, a guest from MK Quakers.
“This was my first visit to the Synagogue,” said Ayesha Peeran of MK Muslim Association. “It was so interesting to find out how you conduct services here.”
“My life and faith is put into perspective by a group like this,” said Kate Abrahams of Church of Christ the Cornerstone.
“I realised you can sit with anyone and feel you can have a cup of coffee with them,” said James Cartman of Q:alliance.
“I really appreciated the open-mindedness of all the guests to Judaism, ” said Andy Gilbert of the Synagogue.
“Weaving Trust is about opening new doors of unexpected understanding,” said Carol Barac of Transition MK.
The event ended with Chair Henry Friel offering to host a similar Weaving Trust event next year.