“I thought I would feel like a fish out of water but swam” on Two-Day Training 2018

On Friday-Saturday 28-29th September 2018, 17 leaders from nine member institutions and one external organisation participated in Citizens:mk’s third annual Two-Day Training at MK Quaker Centre.

The Training was facilitated by Citizens:mk’s Community Organiser and six current and former members of Citizens:mk’s Leadership Group.

A short questionnaire after the course, asking about self-perception Before and After, yielded the following results:

  • 129% average increase in ‘My awareness of tools for building relational power (3.5 to 7.6 out of 10)
  • 104% average increase in ‘My confidence in my community leadership’ (3.3 to 6.8 out of 10)
  • 43% increase in ‘My motivation to make positive change in my community’ (5.9 to 8.4 out of 10).

“This training exceeded all my expectations,” said Caroline Higgins of Rethink.  “It has brought structure to my thoughts, new ideas and networking.  I thought I would feel like a fish out of water but swam along happily with everyone.”

“I feel motivated and inspired,” said Gill Bradley of St. Frideswide’s Church.  “I’ve learned a lot about leadership.”

“It was wonderful to have time to think and explore ideas and to meet such a wonderful group of people,” said Jude Watt of Summerfield Primary School.

“It has encouraged me to take actions to improve my local community,” said Jennifer Parsons of MK Muslim Association.  “I am now full of connections and ideas.”

Other (anonymous) evaluation comments from trainees included:

  • “A good mix of theory, planning/reflection and helping others with campaigns.”
  • “Very interesting to learn the basics of interaction between Leaders and Followers.”
  • “Very engaging and inspiring…it’s made me want to get involved.”

Now the trainees will proceed with follow-up activities over six months:

  • 2-4 Mentoring sessions with a member of the Citizens:mk Leadership Group at mutually convenient dates/times/locations, to be arranged.
  • 3 Action Learning Sets ending with final short presentation in last session, 9.30am-12pm on Saturdays 3rd November 2018, 1st December 2018 and 19th January 2019.
  • One half-day Graduation & Learning Exchange, 9.30am-12pm on Saturday 16th March 2019.

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