AGM launches Listening Campaign 2020

17 leaders from 9 member institutions attended the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 15th September 2020.

Reflections on 2019-20 and what’s needed for more powerful 2020-21

Budget 2020-21

Leadership Group appointed for 2020-21. Welcome Choe, Emma and Harvind from MK Academy. Farewell and thanks to Sheila Bacon.

Leaders asked to attend Unconscious Bias training on Tuesday 29th Sept, 6-7pm, on Zoom

Listening campaign launched: agreed all leaders to have 5 one-to-one conversations in next 8 weeks, ready for Leaders Forum 10th November:

  1. Choose 5 people who interest you and/or are angry about a social injustice
  2. Ask each person these 4 questions (printable version here)
  3. Find other ‘leaders’ who can organise their own 5 one-to-one conversations
  4. Gather information from all your institution’s one-to-one conversations using this summary form. In the score box, please average scores (0-5) from the individual listening forms.

Reflection on organising leaders – ‘snowflake’ model of leadership

Leaders invited to attend Training to Organise Listening Campaign on Saturday 3rd Oct, 9.30am-12pm, on Zoom.

In post-event evaluation, participants gave the action a score of 8 out of 10.

Pledges received for Listening Campaign 2020 (some added afterwards):

Church of Christ the Cornerstone30 (33)Fidele Mutwarisibo
Congolese Community  
Jubilee Wood Primary School  
MK Academy15Harvind Gill
MK Council of Faiths  
MK Deanery25Tim Norwood
MK Green Alliance 5 Kirsty Forshaw
MK Muslim Association  
MK Quaker Meeting  
Open University20Jane Whild
Orchard Academy  
Southwood Primary School  
St. Augustine’s RC Church  
St. Frideswide’s Church30Catherine Butt
St. Paul’s Catholic School  
Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership  
Truby’s Garden Tea Room  

Early in the session, participants observed a 121 between the Co-Chairs and made the following comments:

  • I liked the image of the cheese and celery sandwich over which Jane’s feminism was inspired by her Nanna Gertie!
  • I think it makes a difference whether you know the person well or whether it is your first meeting.  Fidele said that you need to find a hook .
  • inspired by the input Nanna Gertie on Jane
  • The mention of her nanna was powerful because it stared up memories and gave them a shared story…
  • talking properly with someone I wouldn’t normally meet.
  • I really liked the honesty and hearing how someone had influenced Jane’s life.  I think we all have one or more people like that.  It’s good to remember them.
  • We liked the idea of connecting with people’s anger, and using that to light fires in people.  Also digging deeper with asking the question of where that anger comes from.
  • Interesting to hear the campaigns that others are a part of, as well as hearing their stories and the work they’ve done, as well as having a more personal touch.
  • I agree with Sheila s point about prior knowledge of the person.
  • Great way of learning more about what motivates people (especially through our personal stories) and that connects us to them in future.
  • Interesting chat on the difference between leading a campaign and being co-chair! We still need the anger though!
  • It was great that the questions encouraged personal stories as this helps people build connections between people even if they hadn’t know each other prior (also loved Jane’s story

One thought on “AGM launches Listening Campaign 2020”

  1. I was a member of TELCO in East London in the late 90’s and now in Banbury would like to keep i n touch with TV Citizens
    John Whitwell

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