Huge win for Citizens:MK Climate Campaign – Bishop of Oxford Steven Croft pitches Carbon Fee and Dividend to House of Lords

The Citizens ACE team (Action on the Climate Emergency) have had a great win this week.  We have been working on getting support for an exciting redistributive approach to carbon pricing called Carbon Fee and Dividend.  In this model a charge is levied on fossil fuels at source, and these “carbon fees” are used to fund a “climate dividend” which is given equally and directly to all adults in the UK.

At a recent event run in honour of Bishop Steven Croft’s visit to Milton Keynes for a series of climate meetings, we pitched him the idea.  The Bishop sits on the House of Lords Environment and Climate Change Committee, and we asked that he might be vocal about the model in that forum.  He promised to look into it, and was clearly impressed by it because on 11th October 2021 he pitched it to the House:

We hope this will be the start of a powerful relationship with Bishop Steven to work together on a national approach to climate work.

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