Fair Work

Listening campaign

Launched at the AGM on 17.9.19, members were asked to promote participation in a Fair Work Listening Campaign by encouraging their followers and beyond to complete an online survey, https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/QRRCS79.


The Fair Work campaign is driven by the testimony of its leader, Hala Afify of Trubys Garden Tea Room, whose zero hours contract was suddenly terminated after she raised a complaint of harassment in the workplace.  See Hala’s testimony.

At Leaders Forum 13.11.18, a team was set up to research issues of unfairness in employment in MK.  The core team was Hala, William Appaih of St. Augustine’s Catholic Church and Linda McComie of Trubys Garden Tea Room (pictured above).

Following training on 1.12.18, the team undertook a research action at IKEA and MK Dons on 29.1.19.

At Delegates Assembly on 5.2.19, the Fair Work campaign was launched with SMART goals:

  • Zero hours contracts to include clear clauses on Termination and Appeal processes after 12 months.
  • HR staff to receive Unconscious Bias training and policies for blind application processes’.
  • Develop a Charter mark for ‘Fair Work’ employers, including both of the above, and test it with 3 MK-based employers within 12 months.
  • To get a formal partnership with a legal firm, e.g. Dentons, to help draft the charter.

The campaign action team, including representatives from the Open University and MK Council, is meeting regularly to plan actions to achieve the goals.

If you would like to know more, or add your support to this campaign, contact Hala Afify at fairwork@citizensmk.org.uk.

alliance of diverse community organisations acting together for a thriving, inclusive and fairer Milton Keynes