House the Homeless

The ‘House the Homeless’ campaign was launched at Delegates Assembly on 5th February 2018.


The campaign goals for 2018-19 (revised in March) are:

  1. Support MK Homelessness Partnership in delivery of their recommendations: Citizens:mk will invite members of MK Homelessness Partnership Steering Group to attend  the YMCA MK / Citizens:mk Sleep Easy event on 16th March, where we will recognise the MKHP for their work on homelessness in the form of an award.  Publicly accept our support to them  achieving  and delivery of the recommendations of their Strategic Review at our Assembly on 24th April.  See story of 16th March.
  2. Organse community events so our young people can meet street homeless: By September 2018 Citizens:mk with guidance of MKHP will organise one or more community events to enable pupils from at least two schools to talk directly to people who are street homeless and report the outcomes of this engagement and agreed future actions to member institutions.  See story of  pupils visit to YMCA 16th March.
  3. Produce a citizens guide to how our members can respond to homelessness: By September 2018 Citizens:mk with the guidance of MKHP will raise awareness of the outreach work being done by MKHP and MK Council in the form of publishing a ‘Citizens Guide’ stating what is being done to support the Rough Sleeper Homelessness in MK and how MK residents can support, available to all Citizens:mk member institutions and the wider MK community.
  4. Work towards a community land trust in Milton Keynes: By July 2018, the Leader of MK Council will arrange for our leaders to meet with the appropriate Council Officers to discuss the viability of a Community Land Trust in Milton Keynes (see introductory videos here and here).
  5. Ensuring that issues of diversity are taken into account: By July 2018, Citizens:MK will engage with the MKHP to support the delivery of its strategy by offering access to its diverse group of members and by sharing relevant data and presentations about groups with protected characteristics among homeless people.

Pledges made by power-holders at Accountability Assembly 2018

Campaign Team

The campaign team is Lawrence Morgan of Transition MK (leader – pictured above), Paul Griffiths (deputy) and Suzanna Raymond of Q:alliance and Nikki Elgar of Summerfield Primary School

alliance of diverse community organisations acting together for a thriving, inclusive and fairer Milton Keynes