A Mental Health campaign was launched at Delegates Assembly on 7th February 2016 with the following goals:
Short term goals
- Notebooks to keep treatment history, diagnoses and symptoms. Goal agreed in September 2017: Notebook to be trialed by 50 participants, with feedback received from 50% and reported in April 2018.
- IAPT option of Face to Face Assessments. Goal refined in September 2017 to: 50 referees to be offered the Face-to-face option and half of those to provide feedback to be reported in April 2018.
Medium term goals
- Self-Harm Training
- E-Resources
- Shortening discharge times
- Replace the word “sectioning” for 24-hour observations
- Peer Support Groups
Long term goals
- Urgent care centre replacing A&E
- CPNs in all GP surgeries
- Crisis card “passport” for MH presentations
- Day hospitals and weekend service to offer support.
Following meetings with Tyrone Blackford-Swaries, Director of MK Mental Health Services, the team reviewed these initial goals in September 2017.
At the Delegates Assembly in February 2018, the following goals were approved:
- Notebook trials in Summer 2018 with 70 participants and evaluation with 35.
- IAPT surveys in Spring 2018 with 30 respondents from each of the Muslim and LGBT+ communities.
Pledges made by power-holders at Accountability Assembly 2018
The campaign team members are:
- Helen Pritchard, Q:alliance (acting leader)
- Brett Farrier-Smith, MK YMCA
- Gail Hawks, Healthwatch MK
- Janet Dawe, The Mix
- Karen Trethewey, MK Quaker Meeting
- Jill Boynton, Church of Christ the Cornerstone
- Tess Price, Church of Christ the Cornerstone.
The team welcomes new members. If you would like further information, please contact the campaign leader.
See film Me, You, Together film produced by Arts & Heritage Alliance in 2018.