Category Archives: Living Wage

Meeting with OCS Group UK Ltd gets us closer to MK50 Living Wage target

In a small action towards the target of MK50 Living Wage accredited employers, campaign leaders Debbie Wilson and Sheila Bacon (pictured) followed up last week’s action by meeting with OCS Group UK Ltd manager Roger Young.

Mr Young confirmed that OCS Group UK Ltd is already an accredited Living Wage employer and said he would do what he could to ensure that all contractors with thecentre:mk were also accredited, so that thecentre:mk can be recognised and celebrated as an accredited employer…hopefully before the end of 2017, MK’s 50th birthday!

Action to get thecentre:mk talking about Living Wage – 7.11.17

11 leaders from seven member institutions took action to get  the management of Thecentre:mk talking about the Living Wage.

Thecentre:mk is one of MK’s most famous institutions, defining in part at least our very culture as a community.  MK’s largest building, it was opened by PM Margaret Thatcher in 1979 and today attracts 27m shoppers to MK each year from around the region.  Earlier this year,  it was announced that thecentre:mk will undergo a £50m revamp.

Citizens:mk’s Living Wage campaign team has been working for more than five years to drive up the number of MK employers who are accredited  Real Living Wage employers, i.e. those who are committed to paying all staff and contract workers at least £8.45 per hour (the wage independently calculated to be what is needed for a decent standard of living).

And with some success…48 employers have been accredited so far (see list of MK fair employers).  But the campaign’s target was 50 by the end of 2017, to celebrate MK’s 50th birthday.

The Living Wage campaign team wanted to show thecentre:mk the various benefits of being a Living Wage Employer.

Led by Debbie Wilson and Sheila Bacon of MK Quaker Meeting, with the help of Kurshida Mirza and Ayser Al Jawad of Truby’s Garden Tearoom and the Middle Eastern Cultural Group, the team finally got a face-to-face meeting with thecentre:mk’s administrator, Debbie Stevens, which led to a meeting with CEO Kevin Duffy.

Mr Duffy is concerned that accrediting thecentre:mk as a real Living Wage employer will give the public the wrong impression that all retailers in thecentre:mk are all accredited.

This is a work in progress.

MK business leaders rally for Living Wage – 7.11.17

MK leads UK on Real Living Wage – press release

MK businsess leaders met to celebrate reaching 48 of a campaign target of ’50 MK employers accredited by the Living Wage Foundation in 2017, MK’s 50th birthday’.

See list of MK’s Real Living Wage employers.  More than 1,500 MK employees have received a pay rise as a result of our Living Wage campaign so far.

The breakfast event was  hosted by Dentons UKMEA LLP  and attended by 46 adults plus the Summerfield Primary School choir.  The choir performed its new Living Wage song led by teaching assistant and composer, Nikki Elgar,  See video of recording on 12.10.17 (pictured below).

There were speeches from business leaders:

  • Santander – Karen Robson
  • 123 Internet Group – Scott Jones
  • KPMG Living Wage stats – presented by Suresh Nesaratnam
  • The Open University – Lucian Hudson

and community leaders:

  • MK Council – Cllr Peter Marland, Leader
  • MK Community Foundation – Ian Revell, CEO
  • Winter Night Shelter – Richard Wightman, Chair

Lola McEvoy from Living Wage Foundation spoke about the Future of Living Wage, and the event ended with Summerfield Primary School Choir singing  ‘We Built This City Called Milton Keynes’.

Guests were then invited to join the campaign team in an action to present a letter to thecentre:mk management asking for a discussion about Living Wage accreditation.

It is hoped that two more MK employers will be recruited to become accredited Living Wage employers before the end of 2017,.

Living Wage is LUSH – 29.3.17

The Living Wage campaign team paid a visit to LUSH in the shopping centre to say thank you for becoming an accredited Living Wage employer. Team members dressed up in bathrobe, bath hat and slippers to meet the manager and staff, and celebrate the new pay standard for the store, £8.45p per hour for all staff and contract workers.

“This is MK’s first city centre retail store to achieve Living Wage accreditation,” said Living Wage campaign leader, Debbie Wilson. “I don’t mind dressing up in my bath gear to celebrate this!”

“It will make a massive difference to our staff,” said MK store manager, Hannah Downs. “We’ve always paid above the national minimum wage, now our staff are being paid a little bit more of what they actually deserve. This is what a lot of our managers across the country have been fighting for.”

“I travel quite far to get to work and the cost of that won’t make such a big dent in my wage now,” said Lauren Gerrie (pictured left below), who has worked for LUSH for 18 months. “I am saving for a mortgage so it will help with that too. It also means a lot because LUSH as a company are about ethics and making a difference. Living Wage will help with that.”

Monika Gleiznyte (pictured right below), who has worked for LUSH for two years, said: “I feel grateful. To get a bit extra will make a big difference.”

LUSH becomes the 41st employer in Milton Keynes to achieve Living Wage accreditation. Citizens:mk’s Living Wage campaign team now has just nine more employers to achieve its target of 50 to mark MK’s golden anniversary.   It is hoped that at least nine more employers will achieve accreditation before the end of 2017 and begin enjoying the proven benefits of increased staff motivation, lower staff sickness and improved staff retention.

Interdirect Proud to be a Living Wage Employer

Milton Keynes leading full service marketing agency, Interdirect has become an accredited Living Wage employer.

Nicholas Mann, Managing Director of Interdirect explains why he feels it is important that everyone working for his business receives a Living Wage: “With 21 years’ experience as an employer I know and understand the importance of building and maintaining a happy and fulfilled team.

“There are many ways in which we can show our appreciation for the hard work and dedication that our employees put into the business, and a fair rate of pay is a crucial one.”

Living Wage Foundation Director, Katherine Chapman said: “We are delighted to welcome Interdirect to the Living Wage movement as an accredited employer.  The best employers are voluntarily signing up to pay the Living Wage now.”

Living Wage Action on CMK Solicitors – 21.2.17

On a cold Tuesday afternoon, 21st February 2017, nine members of the Living Wage campaign team set off to meet solicitors in CMK who were thought to be paying Living Wage to all staff…but not their cleaners.

The aim was simply to meet the solicitors, give them a letter outlining the benefits of becoming a Living Wage employer…and an enclosed tea bag for a nice cup of tea while reading it!

The action was successful in engaging with nine solicitors, with appointments being made for a series of follow-up discussions over the next two weeks.

“We got a positive result,” said Suresh Nesratnam of The Open University.

“It was good to do something for a good cause,” said Chris Freedland of MK Quaker Meeting.


MK Businesses Celebrate Real Living Wage Progress – 3.11.16

On Thursday 3rd November, lawyers Dentons hosted a Living Wage Business Breakfast for MK’s accredited Living Wage employers and others at their offices on Midsummer Boulevard.  Business, faith and civic leaders celebrated the benefits of paying the real Living Wage, whose new hourly rate is £8.45 per hour outside London.

This is the amount of pay per hour which is independently calculated to be enough for workers and their families to live on.  It is higher than the government’s national minimum rate.

The audience of 45 heard the latest statistical analysis from KPMG showing the staff recruitment, productivity and retention benefits of being a real Living Wage employer.

Employers also celebrated MK’s Living Wage campaign achieving two-thirds of its goal of 50 accredited employers in MK by the end of 2017, MK’s 50th birthday. See short film about the ’50’ campaign.

Ian Revell, Chief Executive of MK Community Foundation, said: “”Our Vital Signs 2016 report shows that, whilst the local economy continues to grow there are many workers left behind that are struggling to make ends meet and where wages have not kept pace with the cost of living locally.”

Cllr Peter Marland, Leader of MK Council, said: “It’s only right that every worker gets a decent day’s pay for a decent day’s work.  MK should become the first Living Wage city.”

Tony Berwick, Head teacher of Jubilee Wood Primary School, said:  “Our greatest ambassadors are our children and staff.  Morally, paying the Living Wage is the right thing to do, but it also makes business sense, makes my staff feel good about their work.”

Nick Peacock of Ascendant Recruitment, an MK company newly considering becoming a Living Wage employer, said:  “Our net profitability would increase.”

Lucian Hudson, Director of Communications at The Open University and Chair of Citizens:mk, said:  “It is exciting for Citizens:mk to be working with some of MK’s most successful businesses.  I hope we can develop these partnerships to address other social issues so that MK’s impressive prosperity is increasingly shared by all its people.”

Next November, the campaign expects to be celebrating 50 Living Wage accredited employers in MK’s 50th birthday, a remarkable achievement accomplished by a remarkable partnership of MK’s civil society and business communities.

First MK Church Accredited Living Wage – 28.7.16

Church of Christ the Cornerstone has become MK’s first church to be accredited by the Living Wage Foundation.  This means that all its employees and employees of sub-contractors will be paid at least the current Living Wage of £8.25p per hour.

Debbie Wilson, co-chair of the Living Wage campaign, welcomed the latest accreditation.  “It is very good to add Christ the Cornerstone to our list of 30 employers accredited so far, one step closer to our target of 50 for MK’s 50th anniversary next year.”

“I am delighted we have achieved this,” said Rev Brenda Mosedale, who is due to retire from her post in a few days.  “I hope other faith institutions are not put off by the paperwork.  In the end, only a small proportion was relevant to us.”

Pictured from left to right are:  Bob Collard, Rev Ernesto Lozada-Uriaga and Rev Brenda Mosedale of Church of Christ the Cornerstone, with a gift of flowers; Debbie Wilson, Sheila Bacon and Jacqueline Eustace of our Living Wage campaign team.

Living Wage at Ikea – 25.4.16


On the 1st of April IKEA introduced the Living Wage for all its co-workers. In the Milton Keynes Store. Staff were also treated to a celebration Living Wage breakfast and a box of goodies.


Tanya Hamilton, HR Manager of the MK store said “I am very proud of IKEA for paying the Living Wage. I am really looking forward, together with my team, to exploring the relationship with Citizens MK and the Living Wage team.”



Business leaders launch MK Living Wage Employers Network – 5.11.15

Leading a city-wide celebration of the real Living Wage during national Living Wage Week, business leaders met at Dentons’ office on Midsummer Boulevard to launch a new employers network.

The aim of the network is to promote the real Living Wage, which is different from the government’s new national minimum wage premium for over-25s (dubbed ‘living wage’ in the Chancellor in his budget statement) because it is voluntary for employers and linked annually to the real cost of living. The new hourly rate of the real Living Wage outside London was announced nationally on Monday 2nd November as £8.25 per hour.

At breakfast event John Cove, CEO of MK Dons SET, which has just become MK’s 14th Living Wage employer, said: “As soon as we knew that it was a viable option for the MK Dons SET, we worked towards becoming an accredited Living Wage employer. We hope this goes a small way to showing our appreciation to everyone within our organisation.  As Richard Branson once said, if look after your staff, they will look after your customers.”

Karen Robson, Head of Cost Management & Procurement at Santander UK, an accredited Living Wage employer since February, said: “The wellbeing of our employees, both direct and indirect, is paramount to the success of our organisation, as well as our goal to being a bank that is simple, personal and fair. This is why we decided last year to become an accredited Living Wage employee. We see real benefits in treating our sub-contracted staff as part of the bank now.”

Ben Stapleton of KPMG, one of MK’s first accredited Living Wage employers, said: “For us it’s been a win-win situation.  We find our staff are less stressed, more confident and see their families more often.  The Living Wage also benefits us from a business and economic perspective in that the turnover of our contracted staff has halved and we are paying less in recruitment fees.  Staff morale is higher and productivity has increased.”

Tracy Schembre, Pastry Chef at The Open University, which achieved Living Wage accreditation in 2013, said: “Me and my husband both work full time to make ends meet, so family trips to the cinema and bowling have been few and far between. Now I have the Living Wage we can put that extra money aside so once a month we can now have a family day out without worry, which in turn has brought our family unit closer and happier together.”

Julia Upton, Chief Executive of MK Community Foundation, which achieved Living Wage accreditation in 2014, said: “Our Vital Signs 2015 report shows that, despite MK’s business success, many MK workers remain poor. We are delighted that MK’s voluntary sector organisations have led the way with Living Wage accreditation and hope more private sector companies will now sign up so more workers are paid fairly.”

Peter Marland, Leader of MK Council, also committed to becoming a Living Wage employer, said: “We need to avoid MK becoming a twin track city. It’s only right that every worker gets a decent day’s pay for a decent day’s work.  MK should become the first Living Wage city, an exemplar in the UK and internationally.”

Debbie Wilson, Citizens:mk’s campaign leader, said: “Our campaign is going from strength to strength and we are already half way towards creating MK’s first Living Wage Zone at the Pinnacle Building on Midsummer Boulevard. For us it is important that MK’s fantastic business success remains linked to fair pay for all its workers.  We need more businesses to go beyond the legal minimums.”

Lucian Hudson, Director of Communications at The Open University and Chair of Citizens:mk, said: “It is exciting for Citizens:mk to be working with some of MK’s most successful businesses.  I hope we can develop these partnerships to address other social issues so that MK’s impressive prosperity is increasingly shared by all its people.”

In a separate event, on Tuesday 3rd November, the Bishop of Buckingham hosted a Living Wage Faith Breakfast, also organised by Citizens:mk, for MK clergy and other faith leaders at Christ the Cornerstone Church in Central Milton Keynes.

Pictured:  Liam Farquhar and Cormac Slevin of KPMG introduce the concept of MK Living Wage Employers Network