Current members

See membership benefits. MEMBERS Cycle Saviours is a social enterprise that saves, refurbishes, repairs, services and sells bikes, making cycling accessible to all and encouraging everyone to get on their bikes and explore Milton Keynes’ cycle networks and trails, providing Dr. Bike services to alliance events. MK Cycle Forum is a group of local citizens … Continue reading Current members


Current members Join the alliance The goal of the alliance is to get more people cycling in Milton Keynes. To do this, we bring together voluntary organisations with businesses and public sector organisations which have common interest in promoting cycling. See more about the alliance vision, actions and wins so far. Becoming an annual member, … Continue reading Membership

Cyclists rally to praise Council

Following last year’s inaugural city status celebration ride (photo story & video), 90 cyclists from across the city rallied at The Old Bus Station to thank MK City Council for its leadership and ambition in recent efforts to promote cycling to school and work. Business and school leaders were welcomed by the High Sheriff of … Continue reading Cyclists rally to praise Council

Bushfield School wins Bikeability Olympics final

On Friday 7th July, 36 Year 5-6 pupils from 9 primary schools competed in the final of Bikeability Olympics 2023 at Sports Central in Central Milton Keynes. This followed heats in March, May and June. Events included an obstacle course (pictured above), relay race, slow race, bike detectives (organised by Cycle Saviours) and road ride.  … Continue reading Bushfield School wins Bikeability Olympics final

Loughton School reaches Bikeability Olympics final

On Friday 30th June at Sports Central in CMK, Loughton School progressed to the Final of Bikeability Olympics 2023 on 7th July. There they will join Bushfield and Two Mile Ash, whose second teams also progressed to the final. In drizzly weather, 26 pupils from 7 schools competed in each of five contests, including a … Continue reading Loughton School reaches Bikeability Olympics final

Bushfield, Giles Brook and Caroline Haslett through to Bikeability Olympics final

35 pupils from five MK primary schools tested their cycling skills in the second heat of MK Bikeability Olympics 2023. The event was held at Middleton Hall, thanks to thecentre:mk management, attracting parents and passing shoppers to enjoy the spectacle. Pupils competed over five contests, including an obstacle course, slow race, relay race and a … Continue reading Bushfield, Giles Brook and Caroline Haslett through to Bikeability Olympics final

MK Bikeability Olympics

Created in 2022 by Cycling Citizens MK, an alliance of diverse business and community organisations, Bikeability Olympics set out to encourage 9-11-year-olds to cycle more after completing their Bikeability Level 2 training. What’s happened so far How it works Over three after-school heats (normally 3.30-6pm), school teams of five pupils from up to 27 primary … Continue reading MK Bikeability Olympics

Cyclists rally for CMK Egg Hunt 6.4.23

On 6th April, 35 cyclists rallied for Mayor’s Cycling Awards at The Old Bus Station and an Egg Hunt ride through CMK. Following free Dr Bike services from Cycle Saviours and a Bunny Hop contest for a £25 prize won by teenager Dominic H, MK’s Deputy Mayor & Mayoress presented awards for cycling achievements in the MK … Continue reading Cyclists rally for CMK Egg Hunt 6.4.23

Barleyhurst and Two Mile Ash proceed through first Bikeability Olympics heat

On a cold Friday afternoon, 13 students from Barleyhurst and Two Mile Ash primary schools competed in the first heat of Bikeability Olympics 2023 (won by Giles Brook last year – see story). Both schools proceeded through to the finals which we be held on 7th July (see details). The highest scoring individual winners (full … Continue reading Barleyhurst and Two Mile Ash proceed through first Bikeability Olympics heat

Cycle City 2050 – vision meeting 2.2.23

On 2nd February, 20 leaders from MK’s private, public and voluntary sectors met to plan a vision for substantially increased cycling in the city. The meeting, organised by Cycling CitizensMK, was hosted by Trek Bikes in Tilbrook. Organisations represented included MK City Council, MK Community Foundation, MK Christian Foundation/Cycle Saviours, MK Cycle Forum, MK Development Partnership, … Continue reading Cycle City 2050 – vision meeting 2.2.23

MK’s Network Rail and John Lewis improve cycle parking

Network Rail, one of MK’s largest companies, recently installed bicycle parking racks for visitors outside the main entrance (pictured above). This followed a small action by Cycling CitizensMK to draw the attention of Network Rail’s Workplace Manager, Steve Bassington. “For years I’ve been frustrated as a visitor to Network Rail, having to lock my bike … Continue reading MK’s Network Rail and John Lewis improve cycle parking

MK Inter-business Challenge 2023

This challenge involves large MK companies in a gentle competition to achieve the highest level of commuter cycling as measured by number of bicycles on site. The winners will receive Mayor’s Cycling Awards at Mayor’s Breakfasts (see events). Results at 16.6.23 Potential Business Cycling Initiatives Code Initiative name Example Examples of evidence BC1 Dr Bike/cycle … Continue reading MK Inter-business Challenge 2023

Women enjoy Learn To Ride on Saturday morning

On the morning of Saturday 12th November six women joined a Learn To Ride course provided by MK Council and led by Bikeability trainers Nicky and Maria. The location was Hollin Lane in Stacey Bushes, home of Cycle Saviours who loaned the bikes. “It was helpful and very enjoyable,” said Kurshida Mirza of Truby’s Garden … Continue reading Women enjoy Learn To Ride on Saturday morning


All welcome to join our weekly Thursday 5.30pm ride from Station Square, following a road route through Central Milton Keynes (Midsummer Boulevard, Saxon Gate, Silbury Boulevard to the Light Pyramid in Campbell Park) and back (pictures below). Rides Mayor’s Cycling Awards All cyclists are welcome. Children must be supervised by parent/carers or teachers.

Primary pupils compete in MK’s first Bikeability Olympics

To celebrate MK as a cycling city, children from nine MK primary schools showed off their cycling skills in MK’s first ever Bikeability Olympics competition.  Events included an Obstacle Course, Relay Race, Slow Race and Road Ride testing Bikeability skills. See: One-minute video of main action Video comments of organisers and spectators Photo gallery below. … Continue reading Primary pupils compete in MK’s first Bikeability Olympics

MK celebrates city status with cycle ride through city centre

120 people from across Milton Keynes gathered for a short cycle ride through the city centre to celebrate MK’s new city status and recent increases in cycling to school and work through Cycling CitizensMK. See: One-minute event trailer video 5-minute video showing action and comments Photo gallery below. “I always thought Cambridge was the cycling … Continue reading MK celebrates city status with cycle ride through city centre

Bike Detectives

This contest is part of MK Bikeability Olympics 2023. Contest Organiser: Martin Swift Description: Contestants demonstrate Bikeability Level 1 skills identifying faulty parts on a bicycle; the winner is the contestant who identifies them all in the shortest time. Skills being tested: bicycle awareness. Arrangements and timings: up to 8 contestant per round.  The fastest 3  from … Continue reading Bike Detectives

Road Ride

This contest is part of MK Bikeability Olympics 2023. Contest Organiser: Dave Lewis; with co-assessor. Description: Contestants demonstrate Bikeability Level 2 skills on a two-mile ride on roads with light motor traffic in Loughton, using the four core functions (communication, observation, priority and positioning). Scoring: Contestants start with 50 points and lose them for any instructor-perceived … Continue reading Road Ride

Relay Race

This contest is part of MK Bikeability Olympics 2023. Contest Organiser: Nicky Newlands Description: Contestants demonstrate Bikeability Level 1 skills by taking turns to approach a large traffic cone with a bike pump on the top, take the pump, do a U-turn and replace the pump on the cone. Time taken at the finish. If … Continue reading Relay Race

Slow Race

This contest is part of MK Bikeability Olympics 2023. Contest Organiser: Maria Riding Description: The winner is the last to cross the line!  Contestants demonstrate Bikeability Level 1 pedalling and braking skills in three timed races; the overall winner is the contestant with the greatest amount of time spent riding over the three races. Skills being … Continue reading Slow Race

Obstacle Course

This contest is part of MK Bikeability Olympics 2023. Contest Organiser: Richard Allman, Bikeability Instructor Description: Contestants demonstrate Bikeability Level 1 skills using balance, dexterity, control and skill to negotiate a series of obstacles. Station 1:  Ride around two lines of cones 1 metre apart in a U-turn configuration without going outside the two lines.  … Continue reading Obstacle Course

MK Bikeability Olympics 2022

Supported by Date/time: Thursday 7th July, 4-6pm. Awards celebration 6-6.30pm. Venue: Sports Central, Elder Gate, MK9 1EN. The double netball court north of CMK Station and west of Network Rail.  Parking details below. Aim: To encourage more cycling in Milton Keynes by celebrating the achievements of MK primary school pupils in Bikeability courses and raising … Continue reading MK Bikeability Olympics 2022

MK’s top companies cycle 6,500 miles in ‘Ride Anywhere’ week

Following the successes of Winter Wheelers in December and Cycle September, MK businesses, along with  MK schools, competed to cycle the most rides and miles during Ride Anywhere week, 21st-27th March 2022. ICAEW scored the highest average trips per employee (full results below). The Mayor will award prizes on Thursday 7th April at 5pm in Station Square, followed by … Continue reading MK’s top companies cycle 6,500 miles in ‘Ride Anywhere’ week

Large businesses increase cycle trips by 43% in December

Following Cycle September, December 2021 was Winter Wheelers, and MK businesses, along with MK schools, competed to cycle the most rides and miles before Christmas Day. The Mayor hosted a prize giveaway in Station Square at 5pm on Thursday 16th December and launched a Cycling Santas record attempt. Among the top 15 large companies participating, there were overall … Continue reading Large businesses increase cycle trips by 43% in December


From time to time Citizens:mk receives grant funding for projects using the concepts and tools of Community Organising. Two current projects are:

MK cyclists pedal 38,000 miles for Mayor’s Cycle September awards

During ‘Cycle September’, MK businesses and schools rode 38,046 miles with 317 riders going out for 3,123 rides (a 170% increase since June). 25 cyclists rallied in Station Square for an awards presentation with MK Mayor Mohammed Khan for the MK Businesses and MK Schools competitions organised by Cycling CitizensMK (see winners and photos below). … Continue reading MK cyclists pedal 38,000 miles for Mayor’s Cycle September awards

Rides you can join

CMK Cycle Round every Thursday – meet 5pm at Station Square for short road ride to Campbell Park Viewpoint and back by 5.45pm. The Big Ride for Palestine 29 July – 1st August 2021 Pedal for Poppy, Saturday 11th September 2021, @princesspoppyrainbowappeal, Willen Hospice Captain Tom Cycle 100 6-10th October 2021 Also various rides organised … Continue reading Rides you can join

Cyclists rally to Mayor and Council Leader

More than 30 cyclists rallied in Station Square and rode through Central Milton Keynes with Milton Keynes Mayor Mohammed Khan and Council Leader Peter Marland. This was to celebrate the success of June Bike Month, in which CitizensMK members cycled 10,808 miles and MK school students and staff cycled 4,365 miles.  Following free Dr Bike … Continue reading Cyclists rally to Mayor and Council Leader

Join weekly Cyclists Unite ride through CMK , Thursdays 5.30pm

Meet others for a friendly and fun cycle ride from Station Square to Campbell Park Light Pyramid. The on-road ride leaves Station Square every Thursday at 5.30pm. Sometimes there are special guests – see former Mayor Khan and Council Leader Marland in action and schools and businesses in other actions. The first year from 1st … Continue reading Join weekly Cyclists Unite ride through CMK , Thursdays 5.30pm

Bike month – Members and Schools cycle-off!

As part of a project with MK Council, Citizens:mk members and schools are competing to cycle most times and most miles in June Bike Month. See the leader boards: CitizensMK members & partners MK secondary schools. Prizes will be awarded by MK Mayor Khan in Station Square at 5pm on Thursday 1st July. Can you … Continue reading Bike month – Members and Schools cycle-off!

MK leaders get on their bikes to ‘Ride It Out’

It is not often that a Bishop, Headteacher, Lawyer, Mayor and Police Chief, all decide to cycle on the same day.  But the days are getting longer, an end to Covid restrictions is in sight, and MK leaders are choosing to Ride It Out. On Monday 1st March, 20 leaders of faith, education and business … Continue reading MK leaders get on their bikes to ‘Ride It Out’

Leaders – get on your bike for ‘Ride It Out’ on Monday 1st March

Please help us show others that cycling is healthy and fun – a good thing for us all to do as we come to the end of Covid lockdown. Ride a bike on Monday 1st March to help launch MK Council’s Ride It Out challenge, take a photo and say what was good about it … Continue reading Leaders – get on your bike for ‘Ride It Out’ on Monday 1st March

Ride It Out in march

Citizens:mk members and partners participated in a fun competition to ride a bicycle in Ride It Out March. Our Cycling CitizensMK group topped 4 of 6 MK-wide group competition tables. See our top riders! Leaders led the way by riding a bicycle on Monday 1st March, and posted on social media saying what was good … Continue reading Ride It Out in march

MK School Pupils Plan Action on Climate Change

50 students from 5 schools attended a one-day training in Community Organising for Action on Climate Change. The focus for the day was a research action on thecentre:mk shopping centre, which welcomes each year 25 million shoppers -and £750m of shoppers’ spending – in the context of MK Council’s lead in pledging to be carbon-neutral by 2030. … Continue reading MK School Pupils Plan Action on Climate Change

Action on Climate Change – One Day Training for Schools

When: 1st October 2019 @ 9:15 am – 2:30 pm
Where: Southwood Primary School, Bryony Pl, Conniburrow, Milton Keynes MK14 7AR

The planet is under threat from global warming and young people want to take action.   MK schools can take action on thecentre:mk shopping centre, which welcomes each year 25 million shoppers…and £750m of shoppers’ spending.  … Continue reading Action on Climate Change – One Day Training for Schools

Building Bridges across Fishermead – 4.11.17

34 people attended a Weaving Trust event at Jubilee Wood Primary School.  While their children joined a football tournament organised by Galaciticos FC, parents and others from the Fishermead community enjoyed eight short one-to-one conversations with guests including Citizens:mk members and representatives from Fishermead Residents Association and Thames Valley Police. Head teacher Tony Berwick said:  … Continue reading Building Bridges across Fishermead – 4.11.17

About Us

  CITIZENS:MK Launched in 2010, Citizens:mk is a growing alliance of diverse community groups – churches, mosques, schools and others – working together for a thriving, inclusive and fairer Milton Keynes. Each of our member institutions pays annual membership dues. Using the methods and tools of community organising, our goal is to build a powerful civil society … Continue reading About Us